Articles About Gonorrhea
The PMS condition known as gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This condition may worsen as a result of sexual contact, whether vaginal, anal, or oral. Gonore can also send a message from the baby Hamil to the bayi during the time of the attack. The symptoms of gonore include nyeri with small air inhalation, perdarahan at the edge of the haid, and keluar cairan from the ureter or vagina. But many infected people don't seem to be aware of any specific problems. Pengobatan for gonorrhea includes antibacterial medications like azithromycin or doxycycline. Even when the crisis has passed, it is important to address the entire duration of the pengobatan that the doctor has been recommending. Gonorrhea can spread to other internal organs if it is not treated, which could result in serious complications including infertility or a saluran reproduksi infection. There are a few things that can be done to treat gonorrhea, including: Sumber :...